The STSM Updates series will highlight current STSM trainees sharing about their experiences of the training process. This week’s update is from Allyson Kim of the Greece team!

Hello! My name is Allyson Kim and I am a freshman studying Political Science at Pepperdine University. It is an honor for me to be able to go to Greece this upcoming summer through the STSM program. This will be my first time and I cannot be more excited to be able to serve God and my brothers and sisters overseas.

Being a part of this program was a big surprise to me. I was actually a spring-admit to my school which means I’m pretty new to KCM. With the four months I had, I heard many great testimonies from people who went on previous mission trips through STSM. Learning more and more about their experiences, I felt convicted and knew that I had to go.

Every week, we get homework assignments to help us further prepare for the sermon on Sundays. This past week, our readings were generally about how there is nothing short about short-term missions. No matter how long we are staying in a country physically, our ability to spend time with people in other countries allow us to show a glimpse of God’s love, in hopes to advance His kingdom. As Mike Pettengill writes on The Gospel Coalition, “With a Christ-centered, servant’s heart, short-term missions can be used to aide the needy, educate fellow believers, and spread the gospel in all corners of the globe.”

After 10 weeks, June 3 was our last training. Pastor Sam Bay spoke to us about our role in global missions. Throughout the sermon, he told us several points to keep in mind as we are getting closer to our departure date. Though they were all important to understand, there were a couple points that I told myself to remember.

One is striving for team unity and considering others before yourself. As Philippians 2 says, we should have a Christ-like view, by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. God tells us that the most important thing is love. Preparing to go on missions, we all should remember that we are not perfect and even in difficult situations, we should treat each other more significant than ourselves.

Often times, our physical bodies get tired and we feel like we should rest. Yes, sometimes we should, but one point Pastor Sam Bay talked about was to maximize every opportunity. He told us how many students who come back from STSM regret not being able to do more when they were on the mission field. Hearing this keeps me in prayer that, not only my team, but all the other teams should take every opportunity they have to show who the true light is in the midst of the darkness in this world.

While we are preparing to go overseas for missions, we, students, should be able to have a mind of missions at home as well. Whether you are at school, at home, or at work, I learned that we should be able to educate ourselves because there could come a time where God calls us to spread the gospel. Also, being able to mobilize your church is very important. As Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” We should encourage our brothers and sisters to go out on missions because this is exactly what Jesus calls us to do.

Going through this whole STSM training, I learned a lot about how important missions is and also why we should do it. Constantly I was reminded of how awesome God is and His great love for us. For me, I was able to truly understand in my heart that I wanted to go out on this field to glorify God because He deserves it! We are unworthy. We are sinners. Our lives should be living for Him!

I am extremely excited for what is to come and super blessed to have an opportunity to serve God. With about a month left before my team and I leave, I ask for your prayers.

Please pray for my team and I that we will maximize every opportunity we get, and in doing so, we would show our love to them.

Please pray for the refugees we will be meeting. Though they may be dealing with many hardships, allow them to find comfort in God and remember His sovereignty over their lives.

Please pray for the missionaries who are in Greece, as they are preaching the gospel daily to the people they meet. Also, that they will continue to have strength and hope in God to move the hearts of the people.

Lastly, please pray for our future students that they will have a hunger to spread the gospel, not only through the STSM program, but through their churches and back home.

Allyson Kim is a freshman at Pepperdine University and an STSM trainee on the Greece team. 

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