KCM Midterm Interest Form

KCM Midterm Interest Form

To access our Midterm interest form, please CLICK HERE to fill it out and we will set up a meeting with you to talk about your options.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”

Matthew 28:19 (English Standard Version)

KCM exists to care for collegians by discipling them to value the glory of God through local and global witness to ultimately benefit and build up the local church of Jesus Christ. Through the years, we have had the privilege of sending out thousands of collegians on our missions program STSM and have solidified our belief that spreading the gospel to all nations is an essential part of our Christian walk. We’ve also had the privilege of seeing many students come out of our program with a better understanding of global missions and desire for His Gospel to be preached to every tribe and every nation. However, there were still some questions that needed to be answered.

What happened when these students came home? Did they keep going on short term mission trips? Did they commit their lives to long term missions?

From our time looking back, we as a program have come to realize that although there were many students returning from STSM who yearned to go back on the international mission field for a longer period of time, they had very little information on how to do so. While we do support and advocate collegians going on short-term summer missions (even multiple times), we also know that many missiologists and missionaries recommend believers to go on longer trips to be more effective on the field and to deepen their desire for long-term missions work.

This is why we decided to establish the KCM Midterm Missions Committee. Our goal is to help guide and support young adults who want to go on midterm mission trips by connecting them to overseas missionaries, partnering with local churches, and providing logistical help in scheduling, training, finances, etc.

In short: we just want more people to go.

How will we do this? KCM firmly believes in supporting and empowering churches to send their members. Therefore, we want to offer our services (from sending out many students before) to the local churches of our collegians. To be clear: we are not independently sending people on a midterm trip. Our hope is that the resources we have can aid churches in sending out more midtermers from their congregations. This service is for all those who may not have contacts in specific countries, do not have the administrative capabilities to send multiple members, or just need a little extra prayer, consultation, and encouragement in getting started.

In conclusion, we are excited and joyful to introduce to you our midterm missions interest form! It is our hope and prayer that we will be able to walk through this journey with you, and that God would really be sovereign throughout this entire process. If there is a desire for you to go out for a longer period of time (3 months to 2 years), please consider filling out an interest form so that we can reach out to you. Although we might not be able to send out everyone who is interested, we promise to at least walk you along the process of deeply considering missions in your life. Our hope is to do all we can in obeying the Great Commission as a people and as an organization, so please pray for us!

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